My Favorite Media

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Twitter is easily my favorite way to consume media. I'm actually not proud of the amount of time I spend on twitter and sometimes tell myself I need to limit my time on the app. I've taken the time to carefully build a timeline full of good content. I think it's so interesting that someone else using the same app can have a completely different experience based on who they follow. If you follow politicians, your timeline will be nothing but politics. If you're someone who hates politics, like me, you simply don't follow people who post about politics. It's a beautiful place, truly.

Tik Tok

Tik Tok is a relatively new app, one that I actually did not like at first. It took some convincing from my friends to get me to download it, and once I did, I didn't look back. I don't actually use Tik Tok to find any actual news about current events, I just like to open up the app while I'm bored and scroll through for some laughs. I was a big fan of Vine when that app was still around, and Tik Tok is quite similar. Sometimes I find myself scrolling for hours without even realizing it.

Sports Center

I've been watching Sports Center since I was a kid because my dad would watch it. I've always been a big sports guy, but I dont usually watch anything but football or basketball games. With that being said, I still like other sports, and Sports Center is where I can go to get updated on the world around a sport that I don't usually follow. I love being able to catch the highlights of a game without having to watch it. Sports Center has actually become a comfort show for me, I'll put it on anytime I don't have something I actually want to watch.